Every Interaction is one of India's leading mobile telecommunications service providers,
delivering mobile connectivity, content and services to more than 65 million business and retail consumers in 450,000 towns and villages across the country.
Operating under the unified flagship brand name Tata Docomo, the company is focused on innovation and technology. Having a pan-India presence across India's 19 telecom circles, Tata Teleservices offers integrated telecom solutions and operates its wireless networks on the GSM, CDMA and 3G technology platforms.
Tata Teleservices commands market leadership with its Photon family of 3G and Wi-Fi products. Tata Teleservices, through its pioneering offerings such as e-Governance, Machine to Machine (M2M) and m-Remittance (m-Rupee) services, has helped to improve citizen services, public safety and governance.......
delivering mobile connectivity, content and services to more than 65 million business and retail consumers in 450,000 towns and villages across the country. Operating under the unified flagship brand name Tata Docomo, the company is focused on innovation and technology. Having a pan-India presence across India's 19 telecom circles, Tata Teleservices offers integrated telecom solutions and operates its wireless networks on the GSM, CDMA and 3G technology platforms.
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